Conservation Planning and Climate Change Workshop 1 of 3: Articulating Conservation Goals, Scope, and Targets

Date: March 21, 2019

Time: 9AM-5PM (Lunch is included)

Location: Mission Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve Estuarine Research Center (ERC)

This one-day training, with materials prepared by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s Office for Coastal Management (OCM) and delivered by Coastal Training Program Coordinator Dr. Kelly Dunning covers a step by step methodology for how decision-makers, planners, and resource managers can consider climate change in conservation planning. The training will take place from 9 am to 5 pm at the Mission Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute. We will review relevant tools, data, and reports that will assist coastal decision-makers in linking conservation and climate change.

NOAA’S OCM has designed a six-step process to consider climate change in conservation planning, with useful tools and resources. This training at the Mission Aransas Reserve is the first of 3 in this series to be offered in 2019 and it covers Step 1: Articulating Conservation Goals and the Scope of Conservation Projects and Step 2: Identifying Conservation Targets and Their Supporting Attributes. In May of 2019, the second workshop in this series will take place covering Step 3: Identifying Non-Climate Stressors and Evaluating their Impact on Conservation Targets and Step 4: Identifying Climate Stressors and Evaluating their Impact on Conservation Targets. In summer of 2019, the third and final workshop in this series will cover Step 5: Reviewing Goals and Management Strategies and Step 6: Formulating Long-term Management Plans Based on Selected Strategies.


8:30 AM Arrive and sign in, coffee and light breakfast provided

9:00 AM training overview and introductions

Step 1: Articulating conservation goals and scope: What do you aim to conserve and who are your stakeholders?

9:30-10:15 AM Determining geographic scope

    • Identifying goals, objectives, and targets; clarifying conservation goals; specifying geographic scope and time frame
    • Watershed or County Boundaries? A case study from coastal Louisiana  
    • Using the C-CAP Coastal Comparison Tool

10:15-11:00 AM Understanding relevant policy or management drivers

    • How to achieve hazard resilience while incorporating your conservation efforts into community design
    • How to get points through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Community Rating System (CRS) by preserving natural areas within the floodplain

11:00 AM breakout activity: groups plan conservation projects with geographic scope, outline policy drivers, identify stakeholders, establish goals

12:00 PM Lunch (provided)

1:00 PM Identifying and engaging stakeholder interests

  • How to engage partners
  • How to engage stakeholders
  • Stakeholder analyses: what is the basic process to identify them and design the best participatory process
  • Sample list of partners/stakeholders to engage

1:45 PM Break  

2: 00 Establishing your conservation goals

  • Setting goals for coastal adaptation
  • How to identify a conservation goal
  • Sample goals: wetland conservation, restoration, erosion, shoreline protection, non-point source pollution, climate change, land use planning

2:45 Break

3:00 Identifying Conservation Targets and their supporting attributes

  • Identification of conservation targets using Open Standards for Conservation
  • Using National Wetlands Inventory to set conservation targets
  • Habitat Priority Planner to classify habitat types
  • Natural Heritage Data
  • Essential Fish Habitat Mapper
  • Coastal Flood Exposure Mapper
  • Protected Areas Databases
  • National Conservation Easement Database

4:00 final breakout activity: setting conservation targets for your community

4:30 concluding thoughts and wrap up